Animistic World View and its Implication on Teaching God’s Word
70.00 ฿ 70.00 ฿ 70.0 THB
Animistic World View and its Implication on Teaching God’s Word with Special Reference to the Karen People by Hans-Christoph Bär

Has Bär has worked in grass root evangelism and leadership training among the Karen people in Omkoi district (Thailand) for twenty-five years. This book is observations he has made about the Karen people and their animistic world view. What they hear when Christians talk about the spirits, God, the Holy Spirit, God’s son and other aspects of Biblical teaching. Hans endeavors to find out the implication this has on teaching the Bible into this culture and how it influences all main religions.

Pages: 41
Binding: Perfect
Size: A5 Paperback
Publisher: Hans Christoph Bär OMF P.O.Box 27 Chiang Mai 50000 Thailand 2016